Essential Tips to Find an Online Art Exhibition
The web offers the visual art market with great potential for change and growth. Presently, online sales make up only 1.6% of total worldwide sales, but this is set to change. In the past years, millions of dollars have been invested in online sales platforms. As the art market is expanding, we see changes in how art is sold and what art is bought, who bought it, and why. The ability of online platforms to motivate the public as a tastemaker is an example of the change, which has various positive outcomes. The Internet is the best opportunity for buyers and emerging artists to enter the visual art market and shape its development. Here are some tips to help artists sell their art collection online in the new and rapidly increasing online visual art market. Ensure to work with the traditional offline market Never cut the established gallery market price online and don't use the web to offload shoddy work. Online activities are not the alternative sales tool, but addit...